Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mental Block...

So lately this new lifestyle has become a huge mental challenge for me. What I mean by this is so much of this change needs to happen in my head. I always new that it would be mental, but I would honestly have to say that it is probably 90% mental, and a lot more difficult then expected. I never thought it would be easy per say, but I guess what I did think is that I would be strong enough and not experience this part of it. I didn’t realize how much I think about food let alone think that I “need” food. At times its just the action of the chewing of food, and then it’s the flavors, it’s not because I am hungry or need the nutrients its just because I crave the actual food itself. Some might say then chew on some gum…well just so you are aware my brain is smarter then that an can not be fooled. When going through the different lap-band prep classes the stress to you the importance of this procedure only being a “tool”, and now I know what this means. Don’t get me wrong I am not giving up. All I know is I still have a lot of work to do both physically and mentally. Time to set some goals, and work hard on them. Time to keep myself busy, and out of the refrigerator. Time to spend more time at the gym.